Welcome to The Weekly Digest, this is week two (catch up on week one here). This weekly series documents my journey working through: The Artist’s Way.
This is also a space to share a weekly snapshot of the other books I’m reading (always bouncing between 5-6), things I’m currently inspired by, and lessons learned. The Weekly Digest is reminiscent of “the good ol’ days” of blogging.
If you’re interested in learning about blogging and business, please feel free to reach out or join us on an upcoming Boxwood Abroad retreat.
Now to the heart of the matter: a recap of my experience working through the Artist’s Way, week two.
Week 1 Check-In
How many days did I complete my three pages? Well, only 3. Yikes! I guess I should be honest here. This is a hard habit to get into because my natural instinct is to pick up my phone and start scrolling.
How interesting of a life we now live – consuming content feels more natural than creating our own. I read a quote that said something along the lines of:
“Imagine going to a movie where the main character scrolled on their phone the entire film.”
As to say, be the main character in your own movie and live your life. Step away from the screen! Here we are though, you reading this on a screen. Again, an interesting time.
Artist Date: I took myself to a bookstore and browsed for an hour or so. What a treat: to be inspired by all of the words nestled between binds. Imagine all of the stories housed under one roof just waiting to be read.
Week 2 Thoughts
This week dives into self definition – learning to trust the inner artist and break away from anyone holding us back from stepping into our gifts.
As I read, I was reminded so much of the work I did at Hoffman. One of the key quotes being:
“Every time you don’t follow your inner guidance, you feel a loss of energy, loss of power, a sense of spiritual deadness.”
Shakti Gawain
This is something I have been interested in exploring more about within myself for the past couple of years, and one of the reasons I found myself attending Hoffman. I continue to ask myself: where am I abandoning my inner guidance? How can I get back on track?
Another interesting takeaway from the week that I think we can all benefit from is: Time Tracking. I am excited to track my time this week to discover where I am spending the majority of my time, and if it is in alignment with the person I would like to be.
Overall I am enjoying working through the book and find that is is very similar to a lot of the things I have been working on throughout the past couple of years.
Currently Reading
The Artist’s Way: A spiritual course for reaching deeper creativity. The book this entire series focuses on :).
I found a wonderful journal while on an install in Portland. I like a minimal, chic journal – and found just the thing (pictured below). You can buy it here.
I am also reading the following:
Awaken to your True Self – This is one of the best books I’ve read in a long time, possibly ever.
It’s very in-line with my recent experience at Hoffman Institute and my other favorite book: Untethered Soul.
I judge a book based off of how many dog-eared pages I create. My copy is folded like a paper airplane and completely covered in notes. I highly recommend reading it if you’re feeling at all “stuck” in life and ready to go to the next level.
Shop My Favorite Books:
In My Shopping Cart
I am currently prepping for France! I leave at the beginning of September for our retreat in Provence.
Join us next time? Learn more about traveling to France with Boxwood Avenue!
I work with Lotte, a virtual styling service to shop my closet first and foremost. Yet, like most, I find myself reaching for something new and fun when travel is imminent. Below are a few things I’ve got my eye on…
Shop my Favorite Fashion finds below:
Currently Listening To
My favorite podcast from the week was Mel Robins Podcast: 13 Proven Hacks that Boost Your Influence and Increase Your Self Confidence.
Also continuing to love our August Edit, “The In-Between“. A mix of oldie and newbies perfect for playing in the background on a warm late-summer afternoon.
Routine Updates
“How you do one thing is how you do everything.”
A quote I recently read, and it’s really shook me down to my core.
The theory is: the way you do any one single thing in life is probably how you do everything in life.
When I stop to think about it, I notice that a huge pattern in my life is procrastination, which ultimately allows me to avoid doing hard things by either waiting too long (and not doing them all together) or waiting until the last minute to complete them.
This is generally stressful and keeps me from achieving a lot of the things I’d like to accomplish.
However, as my therapist says, “you can’t un-ring the awareness bell.” So, this is a new daily mantra / practice for me. To do everything the way I’d like to do one thing, and vice versa.
Let’s see how this helps with procrastination!
Inspired By
Above all else, I am an interiors girlie through and through. As I study more and more of design for our clients at Boxwood Avenue Interiors – I am grateful to have found a profession I will never tire of.
As you may have seen I am currently smitten with sink skirts, below are some further inspiring images from the week, enjoy!
Above: DISC Interiors photographed by Sam Frost
Left: Photographed by Tim Lenz, interiors by Brittany Albert, architectural design by Hendricks Churchill. Right: Photographed by Isabelle Magnani.
Above: White oak kitchen cabinetry design with granite countertops by Boxwood Avenue Interiors.
Image one: White Ruched Dress by Johnathan Simkhai (old). Image two: Source unknown but here’s my fave pavlova recipe!
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